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Sweet Deceit Page 4

  My eyes fly open “I do not snore!” I shout out far too high pitched for this time of the morning.

  “Really? Out of all I just said you’re going to protest over snoring?” he chuckles “And, so like the gentleman I am, I allowed you to steal my bed while I slept in yours. And I barricaded myself in.” he adds pointedly.

  “Ash… I…”

  “And you had the cheek to moan about me walking around in my boxers yesterday. You’re all front, Fliss.” His eyes flick down to where my breasts are hiding under the covers. Damn him and his double meaning.

  “I’m so sorry…”

  “So, were you sleepwalking or was this your attempt at seducing me?”

  “No! Sleepwalking, definitely sleepwalking.”

  “Again, with the horrified tone. You can’t blame a guy for thinking that.”

  “No, I’m not… I don’t… I… ugh, can we do this when I’m dressed, please?”

  “Flustered, Fliss? I mean, I’ve seen it all now…”

  “Okay, I get it. Enough already. Please. Last night was clearly embarrassing for both of us, me more so but stop dragging it out.”

  “Okay, since you asked so nicely.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief until he continues, “Although… I can’t help wondering what would have happened if I had a woman in bed with me. Would you have tried to ‘save’ her too or would I have witnessed a nude ladies wrestling match? It’s definitely something I’ll dream about.” He smiles

  I slap his arm playfully “I would’ve saved her over you.”

  He holds his palm over his chest in mock pain “Drink this, get dressed. I’ll see you when you’re done.” He places the mug on his bedside unit and walks out leaving me to groan my frustration. My first night here and I showcase my sleepwalking abilities. Great. And I know I didn’t go to bed naked which means I stripped off before I got to him, I’ll have to glue my pyjamas on tonight. Maybe chain myself to my bed.

  Ash has seen me naked.

  And I wasn’t lucid enough to see if he appreciated what he saw. He took the greatest of joy in dragging out my embarrassment, talk about mortified. Even though he ribbed me, he was actually pretty nice natured over it. I’m not sure if the tables were turned if I’d be as understanding and accepting.

  I sink back under the covers and smile to myself. I’m in Ash’s bed.

  It may be sooner than I thought and not in the way I hoped but who cares?

  Certainly not me.

  * * *


  Is this chick crazy? If I didn’t need the financial support she offers then I might think twice about this arrangement. I should have thought it through before, but I had more pressing matters to attend to. Having a sleepwalking stranger in my apartment wasn’t on the agenda. Sure it helps that she’s more than fucking easy on the eye but I’m not up for another special brand of crazy. Cammy already gave me more than my fair share of that. I practically shit myself when I was yanked from sleep to her muttering incoherently, looking like a zombie straight from the nightmare I was already having and trying to drag me from my bed. Her ridiculously long blonde locks flailing like Medusa snakes. Who knows what other shit she’s capable of? Talk about lasting first impressions. She seems sweet, innocent even, but I’m well aware appearances can be deceptive. All the stranger danger lessons my parents imparted to me were clearly for nothing. I moved this woman in based on nothing more than looks, desperation and ready money. The perfect recipe for disaster. She could be a psychopath for all I know and I’ve just let her into my life, my home and already my bed.

  Good work Ash!


  Current mood – Nervous

  Regret level - High

  After stealing one of his T-shirts and darting from his room to mine I finally pluck up the courage to go and face him, this time armed with my onesie, not only is it ridiculously warm and comfortable but it practically covers every inch of my body. I’m using it as armour, but then I falter like the wuss I am and fire up my laptop instead. Rehashing what happened last night is definitely something that can wait. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.

  I have a new message and just know it’s from him before I open it.

  Ash: I’ve found that inspiration I was searching for. The next instalment will be making its way to you quicker than I thought.

  Me: Yay! Can’t wait. What happened to your brick wall?

  Ash: Let’s just say someone smashed through it! I think my new roommate will be a great motivation to get it finished.

  Bastard! He’s using me for his storytelling? I start typing out a scathing reply and then remember he doesn’t know I’m the same person he speaks to daily online. I still haven’t quite figured out how to extricate myself from this situation. Being honest is clearly the best option but then it’s over. I’ll be labelled a nut job, kicked out on the street and with nowhere else to turn be forced to go back home. Back to the life I desperately need a retreat from. I bite my thumbnail as I try to figure out what to say.

  Before I can come up with a response there’s a rap on my door followed by “Fliss, you going to hide all day? I know women take an obscene amount of time getting ready, but this is excessive.”

  I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at the door. I never realised how annoying he is. And that’s the beauty of a computer screen. We can imagine what we like about the people we talk to. I built up an image of him that as yet he isn’t living up to. I thought he was the strong, silent type with a playful side that needed gentle coaxing. How wrong was I?

  “Yeah, coming.” I yell in defeat.

  “Really? Well, don’t rush that. I’ll wait ‘til you’re done.” I swear I can hear his smile through the amused tone.

  I wish I was confident enough to play him at his own game. I’d love to have the balls to pretend I was having an intense orgasm whilst screaming his name and watch how quickly the shock shuts him up, but I don’t because this might be the new me but even I have some limits, or is it morals?

  Instead, I swing the door open and flash him a brilliant fake smile. I spent ages back home perfecting which was my best side and I use it now.

  “I think we need to sort out some house rules,” I say

  “I couldn’t agree more.” He pauses and steps back, looking me up and down, a frown creeping over his features “What the fuck are you wearing?” he chuckles

  I look down at my all in one wear and cross my arms over my chest “What?” I protest “It’s comfy.”

  “It looks like you’ve shit yourself and have four dicks!”

  My cheeks flame, “Does not!” I protest. The truth in his statement is not something I’ll own.

  “Keep living in denial, Fliss. Why you want to hide those curves is up to you… but, it does look like you’ve crapped in it.”

  I walk past him and try to change the subject “Back to this list.” I say hoping this steers him away from my clothing choice “Maybe we should keep our opinions to ourselves.”

  “I think top of the list is that we don’t violate the other's privacy.” The sarcasm couldn’t be any thicker if he tried.

  We walk over to the breakfast bar and take seats opposite each other. It feels like we’re about to engage in a verbal game of chess.

  “Bedrooms are out of bounds. Agreed.”

  “Wait.” He says wandering to a drawer and coming back with a pad and pen “Probably best to jot these down, in case someone forgets.”

  I can’t believe I ever thought that if my plan worked I’d give myself away by staring at him endlessly like a lovesick puppy. Looks aside, because yeah his looks are pretty damn insane but all I feel like doing is slapping him upside his head. Why does he have to be so annoying whilst still causing butterflies to dance in my belly?

  “No nakedness!” I add

  His eyebrows shoot up in surprise and then he’s bloody grinning again “What, like ever?” he asks “Might make some things… difficult. And, really I think that rule
should only apply to you.” As soon as he finishes, he frowns as though he can’t quite believe he said that. My body heats and tingles but at the same time, I bristle. “Oh, and don’t even think about introducing that …” he gestures with his hand at my onesie “… as preferable wear over nakedness.”

  I feel myself blush furiously but manage to bite back “No going to bed naked and I don’t want to have to see any naked women wandering around either.”


  “Don’t,” I warn, knowing he was going to make some reference to me being the wandering naked woman.

  “No being bossy.”

  “No being annoying.” I counter

  Despite myself, I feel my lips curving into a smile. He smiles too as though the ice hadn’t already officially been broken. We’re acting more like brother and sister squabbling than the innocent girl and the supposed man of her dreams. We make an unspoken truce and jot down a few more ridiculous rules that we think of on the fly and pin the list to the fridge so we can add to it at a moment’s notice.

  “So, plans for today?” he asks

  “No plans, I was just going to wing it, you?”

  “This can be our bonding day then.”

  “Our what?”

  “I think we’re going to become great friends, Fliss but to do that we have to get to know one another – today, we bond.”

  “Why does that sound so creepy?”

  “Bond, bonding, not bondage.” He smiles

  I slap his arm playfully “Maybe we should add no innuendos to our list?”

  “I’m fluent in innuendo’s, take that from me and I’d never be able to talk.”

  “Perfect.” I smile as I realise how much I liked him when he was nothing more than a smiling profile picture “You can just sit and look pretty.” I feel my face drop the moment those words come out and his face breaks into the best smile I’ve seen from him yet.

  “I’m starting to like when you catch yourself off guard, Fliss.”

  “Yeah, I bet.” I mumble “I didn’t think you’d appreciate being classed as a pretty boy.”

  “Boy, no. Man, I’ll take. A compliment is a compliment and it came from you so I’ll allow it.”

  I roll my eyes. Partly at him and partly at myself. I’m worn out and the day has only just begun.

  “How does our bonding session start?”

  He grins “So forward, Fliss. I like it.”

  “Do you know how to be serious?” I ask, genuinely interested.

  “Depends what task I’m being serious at. Some things I take very seriously, for example…”

  I hold my hand up, “Okay! I don’t need a list.”

  “You seem like a list person.”

  “Are you trying to say I’m boring?”

  He laughs “See, we’re finding out so much about one another already.”

  “Good dodge, Ash!”

  “It’s not the first time I’ve had to side-step a loaded question.”

  I sit down on his settee and curl my legs beneath me. “Soo, what do you want to do?”

  He sits opposite me “Well, in the short space of time I’ve known you, you’ve been very revealing.” He grins and runs his eyes over my body. I’m never going to live down my naked sleepwalking. “But that was just surface stuff.” He continues and my face burns.

  “So, I want to find out what’s underneath. Go deeper.” His eyes sparkle as he taunts me with his double meanings.

  I’m squirming, burning and trying not to look into his eyes as he toys with me, but I know looking away will give him some satisfaction, knowing he’s getting to me.

  “How deep?” I ask and chalk a point to myself as his lip quirks.

  “As deep as you’re willing to go.”

  “I’m game.”

  Before we can continue a sharp knock on the front door has us both snapping our heads that way. I freeze as Ash creeps towards it and peers through the spyhole.

  “Shit!” he hisses, turning back to me and giving my cow onesie the once over through narrowed eyes. I shrink into myself, suddenly self-conscious once again.

  “It’s my parents.” He whispers, and my heart crashes. My potential future parents-in-law are feet away and first impressions are everything. I glance down at the udder on my onesie on full display and a nervous giggle at my choice of outfit slips out.

  Ash shakes his head at me in disbelief and on a deep breath opens the door.

  A large man, easily past 6-foot tall walks in, nodding to Ash and slapping him on his back as he passes. I can see nothing else as he stops in his tracks when he notices me. I don’t know how to react and he seems lost too, so I stand up and watch his eyes flick to my cow udders, my face burns as I walk forward unsurely and offer an outstretched, sweaty hand.

  He turns away from me before seeing my gesture and speaks to his wife.

  “He has company.” He tells her

  I let my hand drop to my side and discreetly wipe it in my onesie just as his mother appears before me, the picture of sophistication in a white blouse, fitted black trousers, and a delicate silver necklace. Her dark hair is pulled back in a classic updo and I stare at her, now understanding where Ash gets his looks from.

  “How lovely to meet you…?” she says

  “Felicity.” I offer “Lovely to meet you too.”

  “What an interesting outfit.” She smiles, and there’s no hint of sarcasm, she’s trying to make me feel comfortable and I could hug her for that alone.

  “I’ll leave you to it.” I direct at Ash.

  “No, please, sit with us. We don’t get to meet many of Ashton’s friends. Don’t leave on our account.” His mum says as she takes a seat at the breakfast bar.

  I look at Ash and he just shrugs, resigned to the fact that I won’t be escaping.

  “Fliss is my new roommate.” He tells his parents but looks pointedly at his dad as he says it.

  “Oh.” His mum utters, a hint of disappointment in her words.

  “Well, I’m glad you took my advice, son.” His father responds

  “You didn’t tell us.” His mum scolds

  “It just happened a day ago, mum. I wanted Fliss to have a chance to settle in before you mothered her.”

  “I would not.” She protests “Though why you think having a mother that cares is so awful I’ll never know. When I’m gone you’ll miss my mothering.”

  And for the first time since this crazy plan was put into action, I miss my parents. The people who raised me. I feel the tears threatening to spill and clear my throat in the hopes they’ll go away. I miss my mother's mothering, she often made me feel stifled as she was so overprotective but she was my mum and every girl needs their mum.

  “Fliss, are you okay?” Ash asks, appearing at my side and taking my arm

  I nod and manage to whisper “Excuse me for a moment.” I push back the kitchen stool and make a beeline to my room.


  “I like that you had the sense to room share with a female that clearly isn’t trying to get in your pants.” My dad says as he takes the seat Fliss just ran from.

  “Dad!” I snap “Why do you say that?”

  “Oh come on son, I know you think you’re god’s gift but look at her, she’s adorably cute but slobbing around in a most unbecoming outfit, no makeup… she’s not exactly making an effort to catch your attention like most of the women you entertain.”

  “I like that about her.”

  “Me too.” My mother agrees

  “It was a compliment.” He mutters

  “Yeah, a backhanded one.” I point out

  He sighs as he walks over to my fridge and helps himself to a can of coke, “So, where’d you find her?” Dad asks

  “Oh you know, the street corner.”

  “Ashton!” My mother snaps as my father sighs

  “She saw the ad, arranged a meet and that was it,” I tell him

  “What does she do?”

  I feel my brow wrinkle as I think back
to if she told me her job. I shrug when I realise I have no idea.

  “You don’t know do you?” dad accuses “You got taken in by a pretty face, how do you know she can even pay her way? Our deal still stands, son.”

  “Yes, I’m well aware of the deal, dad. You ram it down my throat at every opportunity. She paid a month upfront, she’s not going to take me for a free ride, so don’t worry.”

  “I’m glad that free rides are a thing of the past. Maybe now you’ll value money a little bit more.”

  “Grey!” My mum warns as she lightly slaps his arm “We didn’t come here to give him an inquisition. He’s doing what you asked so lay off, please.”

  “Why did you come over?” I ask

  Mum snaps her head in my direction “Can I not visit my only child without there being an ulterior motive?”

  “Not usually,” I mutter

  “Just checking you’re still alive seeing as you don’t answer my calls or visit us.” She says as her eyes well with tears and I’m smacked in my gut with guilt. I go to her and hug her “I’m sorry mum. I’ve been busy with work, it’s no excuse I know but you know once I start I get lost in my own world.”

  My dad snorts and I know it’s over my use of the word ‘work’. He’s not exactly supportive of my passion, especially as so far it hasn’t paid well. With my first book, I queried a ton of agents to secure a publishing deal and was rejected by all. I’m now exploring the self -publishing route which is more work, though I’m also hoping it’ll be more beneficial.